How To Lose Weight After 30

How To Lose Weight After 30

People in their 30’s know this fact all too well:

Putting on weight becomes easier than it ever was before, while losing weight starts to feel harder. But does that just mean people get lazy after a certain age? Well, no, it does not.

Our bodies change as we age, and that process affects our metabolism too.

Once you’ve entered your 30s, food will no longer digest as quickly as it used to back when you were 22, fats just won’t go away as easily as they once did, and those late night meals will start to feel more punishing than ever.

As our metabolism slows down with age, we begin to spend less energy on daily activities, which contributes to weight gain.

If you’re a woman, the gradual reduction of hormone production as you age will also make losing weight more challenging.

Now here’s the good news:

Aside from eating less junk food and signing up for conventional weight loss plans, there are a few simple tricks you can use to lose weight more easily than you may even have thought possible. And yes, these tricks work even if you’re in your thirties!

Tip 1: Sleep more.

A lot of us today live in a culture where being busy is something to be proud of. People no longer put as much thought as they should into making sure they’re getting a healthy dose of sleep each night.

Sleeping properly is extremely important for us in many ways, as it affects everything from our ability to think, process information and focus, all the way down to losing weight and regulating various processes in our organisms.

While we sleep, our bodies produce melatonin, which is the hormone responsible for fat regulation, and leptin, which controls our hunger.

Tip 2: Mix some movement into your routine.

Ideally, for weight loss, you should try to mix cardio exercises such as running, cycling and swimming, with a bit of strength training, such as bodybuilding.

The more muscles we have in the body, the faster our metabolism becomes, and thus the better our body gets at burning fats (even when we’re not working out).

Exercise intensely for 30 minutes, three times a week, and you may just remember what it felt like to be in your twenties 😉

Tip 3: Add more nutrients to your diet.

A diet rich in carbohydrates and fats causes an increase in inflammatory factors which slow down the metabolism.

On the other hand, if your diet is focused on nutritious food and ingredients capable of increasing body temperature, such as thermogenics, burning fat will occur more easily.

To lose weight, start by changing your table-side habits, prioritizing a menu consisting of lean proteins and slow-absorbing carbohydrates, such as whole grains, vegetables and fruits.

Cutting (or at least decreasing enough) consumption of sugar, fried food, fats and alcohol is also essential.

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